Oh, and if you're recovering from an ED - good for you, but this isn't the place for you.
And if you are "suffering" from an ED - follow the recoveries. This isn't a place for "victims".
This is a choice,
not an excuse,
not a spotlight,
not a statement,
and definitely not a disease.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Blogger Hiatus

Weighed myself on the same scale that read 122 a week ago and last night it read 128.
6 pounds in one week.
Fuck this week. I'll call it my "fat week" and give in until Tuesday. It will be my farewell to eating.
Tuesday commences a 3 day fast.
And lots of exercise.
So, later days, girlies.
I'm off until Tuesday.
Have a great long weekend :)


  1. savage about the wieght gain :(

    dont dwell on it too much u will work it off again in no time


  2. goodluck babe youuu can do it ! :)<3
